# http.tcl --
-# Client-side HTTP for GET, POST, and HEAD commands.
-# These routines can be used in untrusted code that uses
-# the Safesock security policy. These procedures use a
-# callback interface to avoid using vwait, which is not
+# Client-side HTTP for GET, POST, and HEAD commands. These routines can
+# be used in untrusted code that uses the Safesock security policy. These
+# procedures use a callback interface to avoid using vwait, which is not
# defined in the safe base.
-# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
-# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
+# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id$
# 2.4 Added -binary option to http::geturl and charset element
# to the state array.
# 2.5 Added HTTP/1.1 support for persistent connections. New options
-# -protocol, -keepalive, -socketvar.
+# -protocol, -keepalive, -socketvar. (Pat Thoyts)
# 2.6 Added support for HTTP/1.1 extensions. New option -method used
-# for WebDav.
+# for WebDav. (Vince Darley)
+# 2.6.1 Synchronized with Tcl http 2.4.4 (encoding enhancements)
+# 2.6.2 Removed to -socketvar option and now handle socket usage internally
+# 2.6.3 Added support for chunked encoding.
+# 2.6.4 Merged in jcw's webdav mods to fix the chunked transfer
+# 2.6.5 Merged up to 2.5.3 from tcl cvs (formMap, url decomposition)
package require Tcl 8.2
# keep this in sync with pkgIndex.tcl
-package provide http 2.6
+package provide http 2.6.5
namespace eval http {
variable http
- array set http {
- -accept */*
- -proxyhost {}
- -proxyport {}
- -proxyfilter http::ProxyRequired
+ if {![info exists http]} {
+ array set http {
+ -accept */*
+ -proxyhost {}
+ -proxyport {}
+ -proxyfilter http::ProxyRequired
+ -urlencoding utf-8
+ }
+ # Use a Mozilla compatible useragent header to avoid problems with
+ # some web sites.
+ set http(-useragent) \
+ "Mozilla/5.0 ([string totitle $::tcl_platform(platform)];\
+ $::tcl_platform(os)) http/[package provide http]\
+ Tcl/[package provide Tcl]"
- set http(-useragent) "Tcl http client package [package provide http]"
proc init {} {
- variable formMap
- variable alphanumeric a-zA-Z0-9
+ # Set up the map for quoting chars. RFC3986 Section 2.3 say percent
+ # encode all except: "... percent-encoded octets in the ranges of ALPHA
+ # (%41-%5A and %61-%7A), DIGIT (%30-%39), hyphen (%2D), period (%2E),
+ # underscore (%5F), or tilde (%7E) should not be created by URI
+ # producers ..."
for {set i 0} {$i <= 256} {incr i} {
set c [format %c $i]
- if {![string match \[$alphanumeric\] $c]} {
- set formMap($c) %[format %.2x $i]
+ if {![string match {[-._~a-zA-Z0-9]} $c]} {
+ set map($c) %[format %.2x $i]
# These are handled specially
- array set formMap { " " + \n %0d%0a }
+ set map(\n) %0d%0a
+ variable formMap [array get map]
+ # Create a map for HTTP/1.1 open sockets
+ variable socketmap
+ if {[info exists socketmap]} {
+ foreach {url sock} [array get socketmap] {
+ catch {close $sock}
+ }
+ array unset a
+ }
+ array set socketmap {}
# This can be changed, but iso8859-1 is the RFC standard.
variable defaultCharset "iso8859-1"
+ # Force RFC 3986 strictness in geturl url verification?
+ variable strict 1
namespace export geturl config reset wait formatQuery register unregister
# Useful, but not exported: data size status code
+# http::Log --
+# Debugging output -- define this to observe HTTP/1.1 socket usage.
+proc http::Log {msg} {
# http::register --
# See documentation for details.
return $result
- regsub -all -- - $options {} options
+ set options [string map {- ""} $options]
set pat ^-([join $options |])$
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set flag [lindex $args 0]
set state(error) [list $errormsg $errorInfo $errorCode]
set state(status) error
- if {[info exists state(-socketvar)] && [info exists $state(-socketvar)]} {
- set $state(-socketvar) {}
+ if {$state(status) == "timeout"
+ || ([info exists state(connection)]
+ && $state(connection) == "close")} {
+ CloseSocket $state(sock) $token
- catch {close $state(sock)}
catch {after cancel $state(after)}
if {[info exists state(-command)] && !$skipCB} {
if {[catch {eval $state(-command) {$token}} err]} {
set state(status) error
- if {[info exist state(-command)]} {
+ if {[info exists state(-command)]} {
# Command callback may already have unset our state
unset state(-command)
+# http::CloseSocket -
+# Close a socket and remove it from the persistent sockets table.
+# If possible an http token is included here but when we are called
+# from a fileevent on remote closure we need to find the correct
+# entry - hence the second section.
+proc ::http::CloseSocket {s {token {}}} {
+ variable socketmap
+ catch {fileevent $s readable {}}
+ set conn_id {}
+ if {$token != {}} {
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ if {[info exists state(socketinfo)]} {
+ set conn_id $state(socketinfo)
+ }
+ } else {
+ set map [array get socketmap]
+ set ndx [lsearch -exact $map $s]
+ if {$ndx != -1} {
+ incr ndx -1
+ set conn_id [lindex $map $ndx]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$conn_id == {}} {
+ Log "Closing socket $s (no connection info)"
+ catch {close $s}
+ } else {
+ CloseConnection $conn_id
+ }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc ::http::OpenConnection {host port {socketcmd socket} {async ""}} {
+ variable socketmap
+ if {![info exists socketmap($host:$port)]} {
+ set sock [eval $socketcmd $async $host $port]
+ set id [string map {sock conn} $sock]
+ variable $id
+ upvar 0 $id conn
+ set conn(sock) $sock
+ set id [namespace which -variable $id]
+ set socketmap($host:$port) $id
+ Log "Connection $id used for $host:$port"
+ } else {
+ set id $socketmap($host:$port)
+ }
+ return $id
+proc ::http::CloseConnection {id} {
+ variable socketmap
+ if {[info exists socketmap($id)]} {
+ Log "Closing connection $id (sock $socketmap($id))"
+ catch {close $socketmap($id)}
+ unset socketmap($id)
+ }
+ return
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# http::reset --
# See documentation for details.
catch {fileevent $state(sock) readable {}}
catch {fileevent $state(sock) writable {}}
Finish $token
+ if {[info exists state]} {
+ if {$state(status) == "error" || $state(status) == "timeout"} {
+ # For errors make sure we close - there might be crud in the pipe.
+ CloseSocket $state(sock) $token
+ }
+ }
if {[info exists state(error)]} {
set errorlist $state(error)
unset state
- eval error $errorlist
+ eval ::error $errorlist
# args Option value pairs. Valid options include:
# -blocksize, -validate, -headers, -timeout
# Results:
-# Returns a token for this connection.
-# This token is the name of an array that the caller should
-# unset to garbage collect the state.
+# Returns a token for this connection. This token is the name of an array
+# that the caller should unset to garbage collect the state.
proc http::geturl { url args } {
variable http
variable urlTypes
variable defaultCharset
+ variable strict
- # Initialize the state variable, an array. We'll return the
- # name of this array as the token for the transaction.
+ # Initialize the state variable, an array. We'll return the name of this
+ # array as the token for the transaction.
if {![info exists http(uid)]} {
set http(uid) 0
-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
-queryprogress {}
-protocol 1.1
- -keepalive 0
- -socketvar {}
- binary false
+ -keepalive 1
+ binary 0
state header
meta {}
coding {}
body {}
status ""
http ""
+ connection close
+ }
+ # These flags have their types verified [Bug 811170]
+ array set type {
+ -binary boolean
+ -blocksize integer
+ -queryblocksize integer
+ -validate boolean
+ -timeout integer
set state(charset) $defaultCharset
set options {-binary -blocksize -channel -command -handler -headers \
-progress -query -queryblocksize -querychannel -queryprogress\
- -validate -timeout -type -protocol -keepalive -socketvar\
- -method}
+ -validate -timeout -type -protocol -keepalive -method}
set usage [join $options ", "]
- regsub -all -- - $options {} options
+ set options [string map {- ""} $options]
set pat ^-([join $options |])$
foreach {flag value} $args {
if {[regexp $pat $flag]} {
# Validate numbers
- if {[info exists state($flag)] && \
- [string is integer -strict $state($flag)] && \
- ![string is integer -strict $value]} {
+ if {[info exists type($flag)] && \
+ ![string is $type($flag) -strict $value]} {
unset $token
- return -code error "Bad value for $flag ($value), must be integer"
+ return -code error "Bad value for $flag ($value), must be $type($flag)"
set state($flag) $value
} else {
# Validate URL, determine the server host and port, and check proxy case
+ # Recognize user:pass@host URLs also, although we do not do anything with
+ # that info yet.
+ # URLs have basically four parts.
+ # First, before the colon, is the protocol scheme (e.g. http)
+ # Second, for HTTP-like protocols, is the authority
+ # The authority is preceded by // and lasts up to (but not including)
+ # the following / and it identifies up to four parts, of which only one,
+ # the host, is required (if an authority is present at all). All other
+ # parts of the authority (user name, password, port number) are optional.
+ # Third is the resource name, which is split into two parts at a ?
+ # The first part (from the single "/" up to "?") is the path, and the
+ # second part (from that "?" up to "#") is the query. *HOWEVER*, we do
+ # not need to separate them; we send the whole lot to the server.
+ # Fourth is the fragment identifier, which is everything after the first
+ # "#" in the URL. The fragment identifier MUST NOT be sent to the server
+ # and indeed, we don't bother to validate it (it could be an error to
+ # pass it in here, but it's cheap to strip).
+ #
+ # An example of a URL that has all the parts:
+ # http://jschmoe:xyzzy@www.bogus.net:8000/foo/bar.tml?q=foo#changes
+ # The "http" is the protocol, the user is "jschmoe", the password is
+ # "xyzzy", the host is "www.bogus.net", the port is "8000", the path is
+ # "/foo/bar.tml", the query is "q=foo", and the fragment is "changes".
+ #
+ # Note that the RE actually combines the user and password parts, as
+ # recommended in RFC 3986. Indeed, that RFC states that putting passwords
+ # in URLs is a Really Bad Idea, something with which I would agree utterly.
+ # Also note that we do not currently support IPv6 addresses.
+ #
+ # From a validation perspective, we need to ensure that the parts of the
+ # URL that are going to the server are correctly encoded.
+ # This is only done if $::http::strict is true (default 0 for compat).
+ set URLmatcher {(?x) # this is _expanded_ syntax
+ ^
+ (?: (\w+) : ) ? # <protocol scheme>
+ (?: //
+ (?:
+ (
+ [^@/\#?]+ # <userinfo part of authority>
+ ) @
+ )?
+ ( [^/:\#?]+ ) # <host part of authority>
+ (?: : (\d+) )? # <port part of authority>
+ )?
+ ( / [^\#?]* (?: \? [^\#?]* )?)? # <path> (including query)
+ (?: \# (.*) )? # <fragment>
+ $
+ }
- if {![regexp -nocase {^(([^:]*)://)?([^/:]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)?$} $url \
- x prefix proto host y port srvurl]} {
+ # Phase one: parse
+ if {![regexp -- $URLmatcher $url -> proto user host port srvurl]} {
unset $token
return -code error "Unsupported URL: $url"
+ # Phase two: validate
+ if {$host eq ""} {
+ # Caller has to provide a host name; we do not have a "default host"
+ # that would enable us to handle relative URLs.
+ unset $token
+ return -code error "Missing host part: $url"
+ # Note that we don't check the hostname for validity here; if it's
+ # invalid, we'll simply fail to resolve it later on.
+ }
+ if {$port ne "" && $port>65535} {
+ unset $token
+ return -code error "Invalid port number: $port"
+ }
+ # The user identification and resource identification parts of the URL can
+ # have encoded characters in them; take care!
+ if {$user ne ""} {
+ # Check for validity according to RFC 3986, Appendix A
+ set validityRE {(?xi)
+ ^
+ (?: [-\w.~!$&'()*+,;=:] | %[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] )+
+ $
+ }
+ if {$strict && ![regexp -- $validityRE $user]} {
+ unset $token
+ # Provide a better error message in this error case
+ if {[regexp {(?i)%(?![0-9a-f][0-9a-f]).?.?} $user bad]} {
+ return -code error \
+ "Illegal encoding character usage \"$bad\" in URL user"
+ }
+ return -code error "Illegal characters in URL user"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$srvurl ne ""} {
+ # Check for validity according to RFC 3986, Appendix A
+ set validityRE {(?xi)
+ ^
+ # Path part (already must start with / character)
+ (?: [-\w.~!$&'()*+,;=:@/] | %[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] )*
+ # Query part (optional, permits ? characters)
+ (?: \? (?: [-\w.~!$&'()*+,;=:@/?] | %[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] )* )?
+ $
+ }
+ if {$strict && ![regexp -- $validityRE $srvurl]} {
+ unset $token
+ # Provide a better error message in this error case
+ if {[regexp {(?i)%(?![0-9a-f][0-9a-f])..} $srvurl bad]} {
+ return -code error \
+ "Illegal encoding character usage \"$bad\" in URL path"
+ }
+ return -code error "Illegal characters in URL path"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set srvurl /
+ }
if {[string length $proto] == 0} {
set proto http
- set url ${proto}://$url
if {![info exists urlTypes($proto)]} {
unset $token
if {[string length $port] == 0} {
set port $defport
- if {[string length $srvurl] == 0} {
- set srvurl /
- }
- if {[string length $proto] == 0} {
- set url http://$url
- }
- set state(url) $url
if {![catch {$http(-proxyfilter) $host} proxy]} {
set phost [lindex $proxy 0]
set pport [lindex $proxy 1]
- # If a timeout is specified we set up the after event
- # and arrange for an asynchronous socket connection.
+ # OK, now reassemble into a full URL
+ set url ${proto}://
+ if {$user ne ""} {
+ append url $user
+ append url @
+ }
+ append url $host
+ if {$port != $defport} {
+ append url : $port
+ }
+ append url $srvurl
+ # Don't append the fragment!
+ set state(url) $url
+ # If a timeout is specified we set up the after event and arrange for an
+ # asynchronous socket connection.
if {$state(-timeout) > 0} {
set state(after) [after $state(-timeout) \
set async ""
+ # If we are using the proxy, we must pass in the full URL that includes
+ # the server name.
+ if {[info exists phost] && [string length $phost]} {
+ set srvurl $url
+ set state(socketinfo) $phost:$pport
+ } else {
+ set state(socketinfo) $host:$port
+ }
# See if we are supposed to use a previously opened channel.
- if {$state(-socketvar) != {}} {
- upvar $state(-socketvar) s
+ set s {}
+ if {$state(-keepalive)} {
+ variable socketmap
+ if {[info exists socketmap($state(socketinfo))]} {
+ if {[catch {fconfigure $socketmap($state(socketinfo))}]} {
+ Log "WARNING: socket for $state(socketinfo) was closed"
+ unset socketmap($state(socketinfo))
+ } else {
+ set s $socketmap($state(socketinfo))
+ #Log "reusing socket $s for $state(socketinfo)"
+ catch {fileevent $s writable {}}
+ catch {fileevent $s readable {}}
+ }
+ }
+ set state(connection) {}
if {![info exists s] || $s == {}} {
- # If we are using the proxy, we must pass in the full URL that
- # includes the server name.
- if {[info exists phost] && [string length $phost]} {
- set srvurl $url
- set conStat [catch {eval $defcmd $async {$phost $pport}} s]
- } else {
- set conStat [catch {eval $defcmd $async {$host $port}} s]
- }
+ set conStat [catch {
+ eval $defcmd $async [split $state(socketinfo) :]
+ } s]
if {$conStat} {
# something went wrong while trying to establish the
set state(sock) $s
+ #Log "Using $s for $state(socketinfo)"
+ set socketmap($state(socketinfo)) $s
- # Wait for the connection to complete
+ # Wait for the connection to complete.
if {$state(-timeout) > 0} {
fileevent $s writable [list http::Connect $token]
http::wait $token
if {[string equal $state(status) "error"]} {
- # something went wrong while trying to establish the connection
+ # Something went wrong while trying to establish the connection.
# Clean up after events and such, but DON'T call the command
# callback (if available) because we're going to throw an
# exception from here instead.
fconfigure $s -translation {auto crlf} -buffersize $state(-blocksize)
- # The following is disallowed in safe interpreters, but the socket
- # is already in non-blocking mode in that case.
+ # The following is disallowed in safe interpreters, but the socket is
+ # already in non-blocking mode in that case.
catch {fconfigure $s -blocking off}
set how GET
set how POST
set contDone 0
} else {
- # there's no query data
+ # There's no query data.
unset state(-query)
set isQuery 0
if {[catch {
puts $s "$how $srvurl HTTP/$state(-protocol)"
puts $s "Accept: $http(-accept)"
- puts $s "Host: $host:$port"
+ if {$port == $defport} {
+ # Don't add port in this case, to handle broken servers.
+ # [Bug #504508]
+ puts $s "Host: $host"
+ } else {
+ puts $s "Host: $host:$port"
+ }
puts $s "User-Agent: $http(-useragent)"
if { $state(-protocol) == 1.0 && $state(-keepalive)} {
- puts $s "Connection: Keep-Alive"
+ puts $s "Connection: keep-alive"
if { $state(-protocol) > 1.0 && ! $state(-keepalive) } {
puts $s "Connection: close" ;# RFC2616 sec
+ if {[info exists phost] && [string length $phost] \
+ && $state(-keepalive)} {
+ puts $s "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive"
+ }
foreach {key value} $state(-headers) {
- regsub -all \[\n\r\] $value {} value
+ set value [string map [list \n "" \r ""] $value]
set key [string trim $key]
if {[string equal $key "Content-Length"]} {
set contDone 1
} else {
puts $s ""
flush $s
- fileevent $s readable [list http::Event $token]
+ fileevent $s readable [list http::Event $s $token]
if {! [info exists state(-command)]} {
proc http::cleanup {token} {
variable $token
upvar 0 $token state
- if {[info exist state]} {
+ if {[info exists state]} {
unset state
incr state(queryoffset) $state(-queryblocksize)
if {$state(queryoffset) >= $state(querylength)} {
set state(queryoffset) $state(querylength)
+ puts $s ""
set done 1
} else {
if {$done} {
catch {flush $s}
fileevent $s writable {}
- fileevent $s readable [list http::Event $token]
+ fileevent $s readable [list http::Event $s $token]
# Callback to the client after we've completely handled everything
# Handle input on the socket
# Arguments
+# s The socket receiving input.
# token The token returned from http::geturl
# Side Effects
# Read the socket and handle callbacks.
-proc http::Event {token} {
+proc http::Event {s token} {
variable $token
upvar 0 $token state
- set s $state(sock)
- if {[eof $s]} {
- Eof $token 1
+ if {![info exists state]} {
+ Log "Event $s with invalid token '$token' - remote close?"
+ if {! [eof $s]} {
+ if {[string length [set d [read $s]]] != 0} {
+ Log "WARNING: additional data left on closed socket"
+ }
+ }
+ CloseSocket $s
+ return
+ }
+ if {[eof $s]} {
+ if {[info exists $token]} {
+ set state(connection) close
+ Eof $token
+ } else {
+ # open connection closed on a token that has been cleaned up.
+ CloseSocket $s
+ }
if {[string equal $state(state) "header"]} {
if {[catch {gets $s line} n]} {
Finish $token $n
} elseif {$n == 0} {
+ # We have now read all headers
+ if {$state(http) == ""} { return }
# We ignore HTTP/1.1 100 Continue returns. RFC2616 sec 8.2.3
if {[lindex $state(http) 1] == 100} {
+ variable encodings
set state(state) body
+ # We have to use binary translation to count bytes properly.
fconfigure $s -translation binary
- if {$state(-binary) || ![regexp -nocase ^text $state(type)] || \
- [regexp gzip|compress $state(coding)]} {
+ if {$state(-binary) || ![string match -nocase text* $state(type)]
+ || [string match *gzip* $state(coding)]
+ || [string match *compress* $state(coding)]} {
# Turn off conversions for non-text data
- set state(binary) true
+ set state(binary) 1
if {[info exists state(-channel)]} {
fconfigure $state(-channel) -translation binary
CopyStart $s $token
} elseif {$n > 0} {
- if {[regexp -nocase {^content-type:(.+)$} $line x type]} {
- set state(type) [string trim $type]
- # grab the optional charset information
- regexp -nocase {charset\s*=\s*(\S+)} $type x state(charset)
- }
- if {[regexp -nocase {^content-length:(.+)$} $line x length]} {
- set state(totalsize) [string trim $length]
- }
- if {[regexp -nocase {^content-encoding:(.+)$} $line x coding]} {
- set state(coding) [string trim $coding]
- }
- if {[regexp -nocase {^([^:]+):(.+)$} $line x key value]} {
- lappend state(meta) $key [string trim $value]
- } elseif {[regexp ^HTTP $line]} {
- set state(http) $line
- }
+ # Process header lines
+ if {[regexp -nocase {^([^:]+):(.+)$} $line x key value]} {
+ switch [string tolower $key] {
+ content-type {
+ set state(type) [string trim [string tolower $value]]
+ # grab the optional charset information
+ regexp -nocase {charset\s*=\s*(\S+)} $state(type) \
+ x state(charset)
+ }
+ content-length {
+ set state(totalsize) [string trim $value]
+ }
+ content-encoding {
+ set state(coding) [string trim $value]
+ }
+ transfer-encoding {
+ set state(transfer) \
+ [string trim [string tolower $value]]
+ }
+ proxy-connection -
+ connection {
+ set state(connection) \
+ [string trim [string tolower $value]]
+ }
+ }
+ lappend state(meta) $key [string trim $value]
+ } elseif {[string match HTTP* $line]} {
+ set state(http) $line
+ }
} else {
+ # Now reading body
if {[catch {
if {[info exists state(-handler)]} {
set n [eval $state(-handler) {$s $token}]
+ } elseif {[info exists state(transfer_final)]} {
+ set line [getTextLine $s]
+ set n [string length $line]
+ if {$n > 0} {
+ Log "found $n bytes following final chunk"
+ append state(transfer_final) $line
+ } else {
+ Log "final chunk part"
+ Eof $token
+ }
+ } elseif {[info exists state(transfer)]
+ && $state(transfer) == "chunked"} {
+ set size 0
+ set chunk [getTextLine $s]
+ set n [string length $chunk]
+ if {[string trim $chunk] != ""} {
+ scan $chunk %x size
+ if {$size != 0} {
+ set bl [fconfigure $s -blocking]
+ fconfigure $s -blocking 1
+ set chunk [read $s $size]
+ fconfigure $s -blocking $bl
+ set n [string length $chunk]
+ if {$n >= 0} {
+ append state(body) $chunk
+ }
+ if {$size != [string length $chunk]} {
+ Log "WARNING: mis-sized chunk:\
+ was [string length $chunk], should be $size"
+ }
+ getTextLine $s
+ } else {
+ set state(transfer_final) {}
+ }
+ }
} else {
set block [read $s $state(-blocksize)]
set n [string length $block]
append state(body) $block
- if {$n >= 0} {
- incr state(currentsize) $n
- }
- # If Content-Length - check for end of data.
- if {$state(totalsize) > 0 \
- && $state(currentsize) >= $state(totalsize)} {
- Eof $token
+ if {[info exists state]} {
+ if {$n >= 0} {
+ incr state(currentsize) $n
+ }
+ # If Content-Length - check for end of data.
+ if {$state(totalsize) > 0 \
+ && $state(currentsize) >= $state(totalsize)} {
+ Eof $token
+ }
} err]} {
Finish $token $err
+# http::getTextLine --
+# Get one line with the stream in blocking crlf mode
+# Arguments
+# s The socket receiving input.
+# Results:
+# The line of text, without trailing newline
+proc http::getTextLine {s} {
+ set tr [fconfigure $s -translation]
+ set bl [fconfigure $s -blocking]
+ fconfigure $s -translation crlf -blocking 1
+ set r [gets $s]
+ fconfigure $s -translation $tr -blocking $bl
+ return $r
# http::CopyStart
# Error handling wrapper around fcopy
set state(status) ok
- if {! $state(binary)} {
- # If we are getting text, set the data's encoding
- # correctly. iso8859-1 is the RFC default, but
- # this could be any IANA charset. However, we
- # only know how to convert what we have encodings
- # for.
- variable encodings
- set idx [lsearch -exact $encodings \
- [string tolower $state(charset)]]
- if {$idx >= 0} {
- set state(body) [encoding convertfrom \
- [lindex $encodings $idx] \
- $state(body)]
+ if { ! $state(binary) } {
+ # If we are getting text, set the incoming channel's
+ # encoding correctly. iso8859-1 is the RFC default, but
+ # this could be any IANA charset. However, we only know
+ # how to convert what we have encodings for.
+ set enc [CharsetToEncoding $state(charset)]
+ if {$enc != "binary"} {
+ set state(body) [encoding convertfrom $enc $state(body)]
- # Translate text line endings
+ # Translate text line endings.
set state(body) [string map {\r\n \n \r \n} $state(body)]
- set state(state) eof
- if {$state(-keepalive) && ! $force} {
- catch {after cancel $state(after)}
- } else {
- Finish $token
- }
+ Finish $token
# http::wait --
# The encoded string
proc http::mapReply {string} {
+ variable http
variable formMap
- variable alphanumeric
# The spec says: "non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by '%HH'"
- # 1 leave alphanumerics characters alone
- # 2 Convert every other character to an array lookup
- # 3 Escape constructs that are "special" to the tcl parser
- # 4 "subst" the result, doing all the array substitutions
- regsub -all \[^$alphanumeric\] $string {$formMap(&)} string
- regsub -all {[][{})\\]\)} $string {\\&} string
- return [subst -nocommand $string]
+ # Use a pre-computed map and [string map] to do the conversion
+ # (much faster than [regsub]/[subst]). [Bug 1020491]
+ if {$http(-urlencoding) ne ""} {
+ set string [encoding convertto $http(-urlencoding) $string]
+ return [string map $formMap $string]
+ }
+ set converted [string map $formMap $string]
+ if {[string match "*\[\u0100-\uffff\]*" $converted]} {
+ regexp {[\u0100-\uffff]} $converted badChar
+ # Return this error message for maximum compatability... :^/
+ return -code error \
+ "can't read \"formMap($badChar)\": no such element in array"
+ }
+ return $converted
# http::ProxyRequired --
return [list $http(-proxyhost) $http(-proxyport)]
+# http::CharsetToEncoding --
+# Tries to map a given IANA charset to a tcl encoding.
+# If no encoding can be found, returns binary.
+proc http::CharsetToEncoding {charset} {
+ variable encodings
+ variable defaultCharset
+ set charset [string tolower $charset]
+ if {[regexp {iso-?8859-([0-9]+)} $charset - num]} {
+ set encoding "iso8859-$num"
+ } elseif {[regexp {iso-?2022-(jp|kr)} $charset - ext]} {
+ set encoding "iso2022-$ext"
+ } elseif {[regexp {shift[-_]?js} $charset -]} {
+ set encoding "shiftjis"
+ } elseif {[regexp {(windows|cp)-?([0-9]+)} $charset - - num]} {
+ set encoding "cp$num"
+ } elseif {[string equal $charset "us-ascii"]} {
+ set encoding "ascii"
+ } elseif {[regexp {(iso-?)?lat(in)?-?([0-9]+)} $charset - - - num]} {
+ switch $num {
+ 5 {set encoding "iso8859-9"}
+ 1 -
+ 2 -
+ 3 {set encoding "iso8859-$num"}
+ }
+ } else {
+ # other charset, like euc-xx, utf-8,... may directly maps to encoding
+ set encoding $charset
+ }
+ set idx [lsearch -exact $encodings $encoding]
+ if {$idx >= 0} {
+ return $encoding
+ } else {
+ return "binary"
+ }