bind $cflist <1> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
bind $cflist <B1-Motion> {sel_flist %W %x %y; break}
bind $cflist <ButtonRelease-1> {treeclick %W %x %y}
- bind $cflist <Button-3> {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
+ global ctxbut
+ bind $cflist $ctxbut {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
set maincursor [. cget -cursor]
set textcursor [$ctext cget -cursor]
global rowtextx idpos idtags idheads idotherrefs
global linehtag linentag linedtag selectedline
global canvxmax boldrows boldnamerows fgcolor
- global mainheadid nullid nullid2 circleitem circlecolors
+ global mainheadid nullid nullid2 circleitem circlecolors ctxbut
# listed is 0 for boundary, 1 for normal, 2 for negative, 3 for left, 4 for right
set listed $cmitlisted($curview,$id)
set linehtag($row) [$canv create text $xt $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
-text $headline -font $font -tags text]
- $canv bind $linehtag($row) <Button-3> "rowmenu %X %Y $id"
+ $canv bind $linehtag($row) $ctxbut "rowmenu %X %Y $id"
set linentag($row) [$canv2 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
-text $name -font $nfont -tags text]
set linedtag($row) [$canv3 create text 3 $y -anchor w -fill $fgcolor \
proc drawtags {id x xt y1} {
global idtags idheads idotherrefs mainhead
global linespc lthickness
- global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor
+ global canv rowtextx curview fgcolor bgcolor ctxbut
set marks {}
set ntags 0
if {$ntags >= 0} {
$canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
} elseif {$nheads >= 0} {
- $canv bind $t <Button-3> [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag]
+ $canv bind $t $ctxbut [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag]
return $xt
set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue}
+# button for popping up context menus
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+ set ctxbut <Button-2>
+} else {
+ set ctxbut <Button-3>
## For msgcat loading, first locate the installation location.
if { [info exists ::env(GITK_MSGSDIR)] } {
## Msgsdir was manually set in the environment.