# To make use of this build system create a build subdirectory
# 8.4\kit-msvc or 8.5\kit-msvc and create a Makefile that contains only
# !include ..\..\Makefile.vc
-# Ensure that 8.4\tcl and 8.4\tk contain copies of the tcl and tk sources
-# (or 8.5\* if you are using this version)
+# all: lite heavy
+# Ensure that 8.5\tcl and 8.5\tk contain copies of the tcl and tk sources
+# (or 8.4\*, or 8.6\* if you are using another version)
# Finally change to this build directory and build it all using
-# nmake -f makefile.vc VERSION=84
+# nmake -nologo VERSION=85
# If you want to create a symbols/debug build then add SYMBOLS=1
+# For example:
+# mkdir 8.5
+# mkdir 8.5\win32-ix86
+# echo !include ..\..\Makefile.vc > 8.5\win32-ix86\Makefile
+# echo all: lite heavy >> 8.5\win32-ix86\Makefile
+# cd 8.5
+# cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@tcl.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tcl co -r core-8-5-branch tcl
+# cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@tktoolkit.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tktoolkit co -r core-8-5-branch tk
+# cd win32-ix86
+# nmake -nologo VERSION=85
+# You do not have to use cvs. You could just unpack a source archive in the
+# correct location.
!ifndef VERSION
-!message *** You must specify the Tcl version. Set VERSION=84 or 85
-!message *** You may also specify SYMBOLS=0|1 UPX=0|1
+!message *** You must specify the Tcl version. Set VERSION=84, 85 or 86
+!message *** You may also specify SYMBOLS=0|1 and/or UPX=0|1
GUIOBJS = $(BUILD)\pwb.obj $(BUILD)\rechan.obj \
$(BUILD)\zlib.obj $(BUILD)\winMain.obj $(BUILD)\tclkit.res
-all: lite heavy
+#all: lite heavy
lite: tclkit-cli tclkit-gui
heavy: tclkitsh tclkit
tclkit-cli: tclkit-cli.exe