set ::tcltest::testsDirectory [file dir [info script]]
proc vfsCreateInterp {name} {
- # Have to make sure we load the same dll else we'll have multiple
- # copies!
+ # Use the same setup to access vfs as the master
if {[catch {
- interp create $name
- $name eval [list package ifneeded vfs 1.3 [package ifneeded vfs 1.3]]
+ interp create $name
$name eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path]
$name eval {package require vfs}
} err]} {
-# Set up auto_path and package indices for loading. Must make sure we
-# can load the same dll into the main interpreter and sub interps.
-proc setupForVfs {lib} {
- namespace eval vfs {}
- global auto_path dir vfs::dll
- set dir [file norm $lib]
- set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 $dir]
- uplevel \#0 [list source [file join $dir pkgIndex.tcl]]
- set orig [package ifneeded vfs 1.3]
- set vfs::dll [lindex $orig 2]
- if {![file exists $vfs::dll]} {
- set vfs::dll [file join [pwd] [file tail $vfs::dll]]
- package ifneeded vfs 1.3 [list [lindex $orig 0] [lindex $orig 1] $vfs::dll]
- }
# We need to ensure that the testsDirectory is absolute
::tcltest::normalizePath ::tcltest::testsDirectory
-if {[lindex [file system $::tcltest::testsDirectory] 0] == "native"} {
- setupForVfs [file join [file dir $::tcltest::testsDirectory] library]
-package require vfs
+package require vfs 1.4
puts stdout "Tests running in interp: [info nameofexecutable]"
puts stdout "Tests running in working dir: $::tcltest::testsDirectory"