2002-04-25 Jean-Claude Wippler <jcw@equi4.com>
- * library/zipvfs.tcl: removed dependencies on pink, switched
- to "zlib" command (now available in critlib and in tclkit)
+ * library/*vfs.tcl: switching to vfs::{crc,memchan,zip}
* library/vfsUtils.tcl: fixed env to be global, added unset
- so unmounting cleans up its list of mounted file systems
+ so unmounting cleans up its list of mounted file systems,
+ define Trf/memchan-based versions of vfs::{crc,memchan,zip}
* library/{scripdoc.tcl,vfs.tcl}: removed, tclkit specific
* library/pkgIndex.tcl: drop packages "scripdoc" and "vfslib"
# $Id$
-# uses Pink for zip and md5 replacements, this avoids the dependency on Trf
- package ifneeded Trf 1.3 {
- package require pink
- package provide Trf 1.3
- proc zip {flag value data} {
- switch -glob -- "$flag $value" {
- {-mode d*} { set mode decompress }
- {-mode c*} { set mode compress }
- default { error "usage: zip -mode {compress|decompress} data" }
- }
- return [pink zlib $mode $data]
- }
- proc crc {data} {
- return [pink zlib crc32 $data]
- }
- proc md5 {data} {
- set cmd [pink md5]
- $cmd update $data
- set result [$cmd digest]
- rename $cmd ""
- return $result
- }
- }
-# this replacement is for memchan, used for simple (de)compression
- package ifneeded Memchan 0.1 {
- package require rechan
- package provide Memchan 0.1
- proc _memchan_handler {cmd fd args} {
- upvar #0 ::_memchan_buf($fd) _buf
- upvar #0 ::_memchan_pos($fd) _pos
- set arg1 [lindex $args 0]
- switch -- $cmd {
- seek {
- switch [lindex $args 1] {
- 1 - current { incr arg1 $_pos }
- 2 - end { incr arg1 [string length $_buf]}
- }
- return [set _pos $arg1]
- }
- read {
- set r [string range $_buf $_pos [expr { $_pos + $arg1 - 1 }]]
- incr _pos [string length $r]
- return $r
- }
- write {
- set n [string length $arg1]
- if { $_pos >= [string length $_buf] } {
- append _buf $arg1
- } else { # the following doesn't work yet :(
- set last [expr { $_pos + $n - 1 }]
- set _buf [string replace $_buf $_pos $last $arg1]
- error "mk4vfs: sorry no inline write yet"
- }
- incr _pos $n
- return $n
- }
- close {
- unset _buf _pos
- }
- default {
- error "Bad call to memchan replacement handler: $cmd"
- }
- }
- }
- proc memchan {} {
- set fd [rechan _memchan_handler 6]
- #fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding binary
- set ::_memchan_buf($fd) ""
- set ::_memchan_pos($fd) 0
- return $fd
- }
- }
namespace eval vfs::mk4 {}
proc vfs::mk4::Mount {what local args} {
# this was a duplicate close!!! 12-10-2001
#close $fd
_memchan_handler close $fd
- set cdata [zip -mode compress $data]
+ set cdata [vfs::zip -mode compress $data]
set len [string length $data]
set clen [string length $cdata]
if { $clen < $len } {