as it doesn't exist in the Tcl plugin.
+2004-02-12 Jeff Hobbs <>
+ * tkcon.tcl (::tkcon::InitUI): check existence of tcl_platform(os)
+ as it doesn't exist in the Tcl plugin.
2004-02-05 Jeff Hobbs <>
* tkcon.tcl: brought code back to 8.0 compatability.
-textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusAttach)
label $sbar.cursor -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 6 \
-textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor)
- set padx [expr {![string match "Windows CE" $::tcl_platform(os)]}]
+ set padx [expr {![info exists ::tcl_platform(os)]
+ || ![string match "Windows CE" $::tcl_platform(os)]}]
grid $sbar.tabs $sbar.attach $sbar.cursor -sticky news -padx $padx
grid configure $sbar.tabs -sticky nsw
grid columnconfigure $sbar 0 -weight 1