# Starkit support, see http://www.equi4.com/starkit/
# by Jean-Claude Wippler, July 2002
-package provide starkit 1.3.2
+package provide starkit 1.3.3
package require vfs
# The code in here is only called directly from the current starkits.
-# lassign is used so widely by now, make sure it is always available
-if {![info exists auto_index(lassign)] && [info commands lassign] eq ""} {
- set auto_index(lassign) {
- proc lassign {l args} {
- foreach v $l a $args { uplevel 1 [list set $a $v] }
- }
- }
namespace eval starkit {
# these variables are defined after the call to starkit::startup
# they are special in that a second call will not alter them
if {[catch {
set self [fullnormalize [info script]]
- package require ${driver}vfs
+ package require vfs::${driver}
eval [list ::vfs::${driver}::Mount $self $self] $args
uplevel [list source [file join $self main.tcl]]
# remount a starkit with different options
proc remount {args} {
variable topdir
- lassign [vfs::filesystem info $topdir] drv arg
+ foreach {drv arg} [vfs::filesystem info $topdir] { break }
vfs::unmount $topdir
- eval [list [regsub handler $drv Mount] $topdir $topdir] $args
+ eval [list [string map {handler Mount} $drv] $topdir $topdir] $args
# terminate with an error message, using most appropriate mechanism