-namespace eval ::vfs {}
-variable vfs::dll [file join $dir libvfs1.3.dylib]
-proc loadvfs {dll} {
- global auto_path
- if {![file exists $dll]} { return }
- set dir [file dirname $dll]
- if {[lsearch -exact $auto_path $dir] == -1} {
- lappend auto_path $dir
- }
- load $dll
-package ifneeded vfs 1.3 [list loadvfs $vfs::dll]
-# Allow optional redirect of VFS_LIBRARY components. Only necessary
-# for testing, but could be used elsewhere.
-if {[info exists ::env(VFS_LIBRARY)]} { set dir $::env(VFS_LIBRARY) }
+package ifneeded vfs 1.3 [list load {} vfs]
package ifneeded starkit 1.3.1 [list source [file join $dir starkit.tcl]]
package ifneeded vfslib 1.3.1 [list source [file join $dir vfslib.tcl]]
package ifneeded vfs::mk4 1.10 [list source [file join $dir mk4vfs.tcl]]
package ifneeded vfs::zip 1.0 [list source [file join $dir zipvfs.tcl]]
package ifneeded mk4vfs 1.10 [list source [file join $dir mk4vfs.tcl]]