set threadOpt none
set tzOpt 0
set customOpt {}
+set minimalEncodings 0
while {1} {
switch -- [lindex $argv 0] {
-d { incr debugOpt }
-e { incr encOpt }
+ -E { incr minimalEncodings }
-m { incr msgsOpt }
-t { set threadOpt dynamic }
-T { set threadOpt static }
} else {
lappend versmap Mk4tcl@ Mk4tcl[package require Mk4tcl]
if {$debugOpt} {
puts "Starting [info script]"
puts " exe: [info nameofexe]"
# lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/encoding/$e.enc
- # ActiveTcl basekit encodings: this just avoids the largest files:
- # big5 cp932 cp936 cp949 cp950 euc-cn euc-jp euc-kr gn12345 gb2312
- # gb2312-raw jis0208 jis0212 ksc601 shiftjis
+ # Load the basic encodings set...
foreach e {ascii cp1250 cp1251 cp1252 cp1253 cp1254 cp1255 cp1256 cp1257
cp1258 cp437 cp737 cp775 cp850 cp852 cp855 cp857 cp860 cp861 cp862
- cp863 cp864 cp865 cp866 cp869 cp874 cp932 dingbats ebcdic gb1988
+ cp863 cp864 cp865 cp866 cp869 cp874 cp932
iso2022 iso2022-jp iso2022-kr iso8859-1 iso8859-10 iso8859-13
iso8859-14 iso8859-15 iso8859-16 iso8859-2 iso8859-3 iso8859-4
- iso8859-5 iso8859-6 iso8859-7 iso8859-8 iso8859-9 jis0201 koi8-r
- koi8-u macCentEuro macCroatian macCyrillic macDingbats macGreek
- macIceland macRoman macRomania macThai macTurkish macUkraine
- symbol tis-620} {
+ iso8859-5 iso8859-6 iso8859-7 iso8859-8 iso8859-9 jis0201
+ } {
+ lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/encoding/$e.enc
+ }
+ # Usually include the remaining encodings to match activetcl basekits.
+ # This just avoids the largest files:
+ # big5 cp932 cp936 cp949 cp950 euc-cn euc-jp euc-kr gn12345 gb2312
+ # gb2312-raw jis0208 jis0212 ksc601 shiftjis
+ if {!$minimalEncodings} {
+ foreach e {
+ dingbats ebcdic gb1988
+ koi8-r koi8-u macCentEuro macCroatian macCyrillic macDingbats
+ macGreek macIceland macRoman macRomania macThai macTurkish
+ macUkraine symbol tis-620
+ } {
lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/encoding/$e.enc
+ }