} else {
set sb(type) file
- set sb(name) [read $fd [u_short $flen]]
+ set sb(name) [string trimleft [read $fd [u_short $flen]] "./"]
set sb(extra) [read $fd [u_short $elen]]
set sb(comment) [read $fd [u_short $clen]]
if {$sb(flags) & (1 << 10)} {
makeFile {File aleph two} zipfs.test/Aleph/Two.txt
eval exec [auto_execok zip] [list -r zipfs.zip zipfs.test]
eval exec [auto_execok zip] [list zipnest.zip zipfs.zip]
+ testConstraint zipcat [expr {![catch {
+ makeFile {} zipcat.zip
+ set f [open zipcat.zip w] ; fconfigure $f -translation binary
+ set fin [open zipfs.zip r] ; fconfigure $fin -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $f "[string repeat # 4095]\xff"
+ fcopy $fin $f
+ close $fin ; close $f
+ eval exec [auto_execok zip] [list -A zipcat.zip]
+ }]}]
test vfsZip-1.1 "mount non-existent zip file" -constraints {zipfs} -setup {
vfs::unmount vfszip31
} -result {1}
+test vfsZip-4.0 "zip with preface code" -constraints {zipfs zipcat} -body {
+ vfs::zip::Mount zipcat.zip local
+ set r [glob -nocomplain -directory local -tails *]
+ vfs::unmount local
+ set r
+} -result {zipfs.test}
+test vfsZip-4.1 "zip with preface code" -constraints {zipfs zipcat} -setup {
+ vfs::zip::Mount zipcat.zip local
+} -body {
+ set f [open local/zipfs.test/Aleph/One.txt r]
+ set r [string trim [read $f]]
+ close $f
+ set r
+} -cleanup {
+ vfs::unmount local
+} -result {File aleph one}
test vfsZip-9.0 "attempt to delete mounted file" -constraints {zipfs zipexe} -setup {
vfs::zip::Mount zipfs.zip local
} -body {
vfs::unmount local
} -returnCodes {error} -result {error deleting "zipfs.zip": permission denied}
# cleanup
if {[testConstraint zipfs] && [testConstraint zipexe]} {
file delete -force zipfs.test