## Steven Wahl <steven@indra.com>, Jan Nijtmans <nijtmans@nici.kun.nl>
## Crimmins <markcrim@umich.edu>, Wart <wart@ugcs.caltech.edu>
-## Copyright 1995-2000 Jeffrey Hobbs
+## Copyright 1995-2001 Jeffrey Hobbs
## Initiated: Thu Aug 17 15:36:47 PDT 1995
-## jeff.hobbs@acm.org
+## jeff.hobbs@acm.org, jeff@hobbs.org
## source standard_disclaimer.tcl
## source bourbon_ware.tcl
if {$tcl_version < 8.0} {
- return -code error "TkCon requires at least Tcl/Tk8"
+ return -code error "tkcon requires at least Tcl/Tk8"
} else {
package require -exact Tk $tcl_version
alias clear dir dump echo idebug lremove
tkcon_puts observe observe_var unalias which what
- version 2.1a
- release {September 2000}
+ version 2.1
+ release {May 4 2001}
docs "http://tkcon.sourceforge.net/"
- email {jeff.hobbs@acm.org}
+ email {jeff@hobbs.org}
root .
## If you set ::tkcon::OPT(exec) to {}, then instead of a multiple
- ## interp model, you get TkCon operating in the main interp by default.
+ ## interp model, you get tkcon operating in the main interp by default.
## This can be useful when attaching to programs that like to operate
## in the main interpter (for example, based on special wish'es).
## You can set this from the command line with -exec ""
## otherwise make sure the font is monospace
set font [$con cget -font]
if {![font metrics $font -fixed]} {
- font create tkconfixed -family Courier -size 10
+ font create tkconfixed -family Courier -size 12
$con configure -font tkconfixed
$con tag configure find -background $COLOR(blink)
if {!$PRIV(WWW)} {
- wm title $root "TkCon $PRIV(version) $title"
+ wm title $root "tkcon $PRIV(version) $title"
bind $con <Configure> {
scan [wm geometry [winfo toplevel %W]] "%%dx%%d" \
::tkcon::OPT(cols) ::tkcon::OPT(rows)
} else {
global tk_patchLevel tcl_patchLevel tcl_platform
toplevel $w
- wm title $w "About TkCon v$PRIV(version)"
+ wm title $w "About tkcon v$PRIV(version)"
button $w.b -text Dismiss -command [list wm withdraw $w]
text $w.text -height 9 -bd 1 -width 60 \
-foreground $COLOR(stdin) \
pack $w.text -fill both -side left -expand 1
$w.text tag config center -justify center
$w.text tag config title -justify center -font {Courier -18 bold}
- $w.text insert 1.0 "About TkCon v$PRIV(version)" title \
- "\n\nCopyright 1995-2000 Jeffrey Hobbs, $PRIV(email)\
+ $w.text insert 1.0 "About tkcon v$PRIV(version)" title \
+ "\n\nCopyright 1995-2001 Jeffrey Hobbs, $PRIV(email)\
\nRelease Date: v$PRIV(version), $PRIV(release)\
\nDocumentation available at:\n$PRIV(docs)\
\nUsing: Tcl v$tcl_patchLevel / Tk v$tk_patchLevel" center
## Init Interp
$w add separator
- $w add command -label "Send TkCon Commands" \
+ $w add command -label "Send tkcon Commands" \
-command [list ::tkcon::InitInterp $app $type]
$m add separator
- $m add command -label "TkCon Interpreters" -state disabled
+ $m add command -label "tkcon Interpreters" -state disabled
foreach i [lsort [array names interps]] {
if {[string match {} $interps($i)]} { set interps($i) "no Tk" }
if {[regexp {^Slave[0-9]+} $i]} {
if {![winfo exists $base]} {
toplevel $base
wm withdraw $base
- wm title $base "TkCon Find"
+ wm title $base "tkcon Find"
pack [frame $base.f] -fill x -expand 1
label $base.f.l -text "Find:"
# ARGS: name - application name to which tkcon sends commands
# This is either a slave interperter name or tk appname.
# type - (slave|interp) type of interpreter we're attaching to
-# slave means it's a TkCon interpreter
+# slave means it's a tkcon interpreter
# interp means we'll need to 'send' to it.
# Results: ::tkcon::EvalAttached is recreated to evaluate in the
# appropriate interpreter
if {![winfo exists $t]} {
toplevel $t
wm withdraw $t
- wm title $t "TkCon Create Socket"
+ wm title $t "tkcon Create Socket"
label $t.lhost -text "Host: "
entry $t.host -width 20
label $t.lport -text "Port: "
## ::tkcon::Destroy - destroy console window
## This proc should only be called by the main interpreter. If it is
- ## called from there, it will ask before exiting TkCon. All others
+ ## called from there, it will ask before exiting tkcon. All others
## (slaves) will just have their slave interpreter deleted, closing them.
proc ::tkcon::Destroy {{slave {}}} {
if {[string match {} $slave]} {
## Main interpreter close request
- if {[tk_dialog $PRIV(base).destroyme {Quit TkCon?} \
- {Closing the Main console will quit TkCon} \
- warning 0 "Don't Quit" "Quit TkCon"]} exit
+ if {[tk_dialog $PRIV(base).destroyme {Quit tkcon?} \
+ {Closing the Main console will quit tkcon} \
+ warning 0 "Don't Quit" "Quit tkcon"]} exit
} else {
## Slave interpreter close request
set name [InterpEval $slave]
if {![winfo exists $t]} {
toplevel $t
wm withdraw $t
- wm title $t "TkCon Attach to Display"
+ wm title $t "tkcon Attach to Display"
label $t.gets -text "New Display: "
entry $t.data -width 32
button $t.ok -text "OK" -command {set ::tkcon::PRIV(grab) 1}
-command [list ::tkcon::StateCompare $app $type 1]
## Don't allow verbose mode unless 'dump' exists in $app
- ## We're assuming this is TkCon's dump command
+ ## We're assuming this is tkcon's dump command
set hasdump [llength [EvalOther $app $type info commands dump]]
if {$hasdump} {
$w.btn.expand config -state normal
if {[llength $args]} {
if {[regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} $args]} {
set ::tkcon::OPT(buffer) $args
- ::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer $::tkcon::PRIV(console) \
- $::tkcon::OPT(buffer)
+ # catch in case the console doesn't exist yet
+ catch {::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer $::tkcon::PRIV(console) \
+ $::tkcon::OPT(buffer)}
} else {
return -code error "buffer must be a valid integer"
if {![winfo exists $t]} {
toplevel $t
wm withdraw $t
- wm title $t "TkCon gets stdin request"
+ wm title $t "tkcon gets stdin request"
label $t.gets -text "\"gets stdin\" request:"
text $t.data -width 32 -height 5 -wrap none \
-xscrollcommand [list $t.sx set] \
fo* {
## 'font' ?fontname? - gets/sets the font of the console
if {[llength $args]} {
- $::tkcon::PRIV(console) config -font $args
- set ::tkcon::OPT(font) [$::tkcon::PRIV(console) cget -font]
+ if {[info exists ::tkcon::PRIV(console)] && \
+ [winfo exists $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]} {
+ $::tkcon::PRIV(console) config -font $args
+ set ::tkcon::OPT(font) [$::tkcon::PRIV(console) cget -font]
+ } else {
+ set ::tkcon::OPT(font) $args
+ }
return $::tkcon::OPT(font)
[uplevel \#0 [list set $var]]]]
+ } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ return [uplevel \#0 dump variable $args]
return [uplevel \#0 set $args]
toplevel $w
wm withdraw $w
if {[string length $word] > 12} {
- wm title $w "TkCon Edit: [string range $word 0 9]..."
+ wm title $w "tkcon Edit: [string range $word 0 9]..."
} else {
- wm title $w "TkCon Edit: $word"
+ wm title $w "tkcon Edit: $word"
text $w.text -wrap none \
set i [expr {$i+2+$s(full)}]
- ## This gets the number of cols in the TkCon console widget
+ ## This gets the number of cols in the tkcon console widget
set j [expr {[tkcon master set ::tkcon::OPT(cols)]/$i}]
set k 0
foreach f [lindex $o 1] {