+function mqtt_build_message()
+ local r = {}
+ for id,t in pairs(ds18b20.values) do
+ local t1 = t / 10000
+ local t2 = (t >= 0 and t % 10000) or (10000 - t % 10000)
+ table.insert(r, string.format("{\"id\":\"%s\",\"temp\":%d.%04d}", id, t1, t2))
+ end
+ return "[" .. table.concat(r, ",") .. "]"
+function mqtt_publish(m, prefix)
+ local topic = prefix .. '/' .. node.chipid()
+ m:publish(topic .. '/temperature', mqtt_build_message(), 0, 0, nil)
+function mqtt_create_client(server, prefix, timerid, interval)
+ local m = mqtt.Client(node.chipid(), 60, MQTT_USERNAME, MQTT_PASSWORD, 0)
+ m:lwt(prefix .. '/' .. node.chipid() .. '/error', 'disconnected', 0, 0)
+ m:on("connect", function(client)
+ mqtt_publish(client, prefix)
+ -- max time is 6870947 (1:54:30.947)
+ tmr.alarm(timerid, interval, 1, function() mqtt_publish(client, prefix) end)
+ end)
+ m:on("offline", function(client)
+ tmr.stop(timerid)
+ m:connect(server, MQTT_PORT, 0, 1)
+ end)
+ m:connect(server, MQTT_PORT, 0, 1)
+ return m
+function mqtt_start()
+ local clients = {}
+ ds18b20.update()
+ tmr.alarm(SENSOR_TIMER, SENSOR_INTERVAL * 1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, ds18b20.update)
+ for index,broker in ipairs(MQTT_BROKERS) do
+ local interval = broker.interval * 1000
+ local m = mqtt_create_client(broker.host, broker.prefix, broker.timer, interval)
+ table.insert(clients, m)
+ end
+ return clients
+function mqtt_stop()
+ print("mqtt_stop")
+ for index,broker in ipairs(MQTT_BROKERS) do
+ tmr.stop(broker.timer)
+ tmr.unregister(broker.timer)
+ end
+ for index,client in ipairs(clients) do
+ if pcall(client.close) then
+ print("closed client")
+ else
+ print("failed to close client")
+ end
+ end
+ tmr.stop(SENSOR_TIMER)
+ tmr.unregister(SENSOR_TIMER)
+function blink()
+ if LED_STATE == 1 then
+ else
+ end
+ gpio.write(LED_PIN, LED_STATE)
+function blink_start()
+ gpio.mode(LED_PIN, gpio.OUTPUT)
+ tmr.alarm(LED_TIMER, LED_INTERVAL, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, blink)
+function blink_stop()
+ tmr.stop(LED_TIMER)
+ tmr.unregister(LED_TIMER)
+clients = mqtt_start()